

I am one of the developers of the LSDTopoTools project, an open source topographic analysis package written in C++ to facilitate robust, reproducible analysis of topographic data for the surface science community.

LSDTopoTools Logo


I have also produced a Python package, spatial-efd which performs Fourier analysis of shapefile data to allow quantitative analysis of planform morphologies. This code has been published in the Journal of Open Source Software

spatial-efd example


I have released a Google Chrome extension which gives quick access to a proper bibtex file with a DOI for Google Scholar entries. You can get the extension here, at present it has not been released on the Chrome Store as it is still a work in progress.

ScholarDOI example

I also spend a lot of my time working on other software projects, both for my research and for fun, check out my github to see what I’m tinkering with at the moment.