To search for a value in a vector we can use find, which returns an iterator
pointing to the first value found in a vector which matches the value passed in.
If an item is not in a vector, the returned iterator points to one past the end of the
vector, myVec.end()
So in this example, if we want to know if mvValue
is contained in myVec
we can use:
searches for myValue
between the iterators myVec.begin()
and myVec.end()
and the return value, an iterator pointing to the found item is them compared with
an iterator pointing to one past the end of the vector, the condition for not found.
This can be reversed to use ==
instead of !=
should that make more sense for a
particular use. We could also use iterators that point to subsets of the vector if we
knew the region of the vector that our data should be found in:
It is important to note that this will not cope with multiple items matching myVal
will always return the first match it finds.