## Lasers, Landslides ##
and Bendy Bananas?!
Stuart Grieve, TC Hales, Simon Mudd, Fiona Clubb and Robert Parker
### Hurricanes Frances and Ivan

### Peeks Creek (2004) 
### Peeks Creek (2004) 
### Peeks Creek (2004) 
### Peeks Creek (2004) 
### Far from a one-off
## We need to understand: - Dynamics of hillslope sediment transport - Where these landslides occur - What triggers landslides - How we can predict them
### Colluvial hollows - In upland, humid landscapes we know that the majority of landslides initiate in **colluvial hollows** - But these features are difficult to map
### Theory 
### Theory
- Theory predicts uniform morphology
### Reality 
### Colluvial hollows No systematic study of more than a handful 
## Two Questions: ### 1. Can we identify hollows from topographic data?
### 2. How accurate are our models?
### Coweeta, NC 
### Coweeta, NC - Long-Term Ecological Research site covering $50~km^2$ - Daily rain gauge data going back to the 1930s - Persistent soil mantle through much of the Quaternary - Type location for colluvial hollows - High resolution LiDAR data available
### Digital deforestation 
### Digital deforestation 
### Extracting hollows from topography

Digitally remove forests
Identify channel initiation point
Identify upstream contributing area

Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
Slope-area plots
### $\chi$-analysis A coordinate transformation which allows us to represent river long profiles as stright lines, normalising by drainage area 
### $\chi$-analysis 
### Extracting hollows 
### Extracting hollows 
### Measuring hollows 
### How can we compare shapes quantitatively?
### The shapes of things are very important to some people
### The shapes of things are very important to some people 

### But how does the EU measure our fruit? 
### But how does the EU measure our fruit? 
### But how does the EU measure our fruit? 
### But how does the EU measure our fruit? 
### Elliptical Fourier Analysis

Decompose a polygon as a series of ellipses (harmonics)
Shapes are normalised with respect to area, rotation and point spacing
Allows quantitative comparisons of hollows from across a landscape
Elliptical Fourier Analysis
### Elliptical Fourier Analysis 
### Elliptical Fourier Analysis 
### Our data shows that the theory is wrong!  
### The theory is wrong? Hollows are transitional landforms between hillslopes and channels: #### Channel Erosion: $E = K_{f}A^{m}S^{n}$ #### Hillslope Erosion: $E = K_{h}S\frac{\rho_s}{\rho_r}$ In hollows, these two forces should be approximately equal, yielding uniform hollows
### The theory is wrong? What processes are missing from our understanding? - Subsurface morphology - The role of biota, especially vegetation - Stochastic landsliding
## Models of slope stability make implicit or explicit assumptions about the uniformity of hollows
### Modelling hollow soil depth

The limiting factor on landslide hazard in hollows is the rate of soil production, not the intensity of storms!
### Future steps Introduce more complex hydrology and more spatial variability to model hollows... 
## Summary - Understanding small scale hillslope morphology is vital to understanding landsliding - The next generation of landslide models need to consider source area morphology - I wasn't wasting my time reading about how to measure the shape of fruit...
### Thank You!