Why does that happen?

— Keeping track of things I should remember

  1. Invalid csv Files

    I often write data into csv files as plain text: it allows people to load the data in excel and makes it easy to parse the data into Python. …

  2. Numpy Masked Arrays

    I have a 2D numpy array of data generated from topography. One of these columns of data is a mean slope value and for the analysis I am performing I want to filter out any row which has a mean slope value above 0.4. …

  3. Initializing numpy arrays

    You can create numpy arrays in a bunch of ways. To create an array of empty values I use np.empty(shape) where shape is the dimensions of the array to be created: …

  4. Python Imaging Library

    In the last post I made this image: …

  5. Placing the Legend in Matplotlib

    Here is a quick remider of how to place a legend in a matplotlib plot. …